People of Long Beach Endorse Ali Saleh for State Senate

The Long Beach community group says Democrat Ali Saleh is the best candidate to bring government accountability to the 33rd State Senate District as they raise concerns about Big Oil contributions to Lena Gonzalez. 

Long Beach, CA -The community group, People of Long Beach, has announced the endorsement of Bell Councilman and government reformer Ali Saleh for State Senate.

“We have taken a hard look at all of the candidates, and we believe Ali Saleh is uniquely qualified to bring much needed good government reforms to our area. Mr. Saleh isn’t just talk; he has an incredible history of holding government and special interests accountable to the people,” said People of Long Beach executive director Carlos Ovalle.

People of Long Beach is a founding member of the Long Beach Reform Coalition and advocates on issues of good government, transparency, accountability, and environmental justice. The group’s roots are in advocating for the rights of the neighborhoods affected by the pollution generated by the refineries, the 710-freeway corridor, and the area known as “Oil Operators Property” owned by interests that fund the campaigns of local politicians.  “When we saw Big Oil pour $1.3 million to promote Lena Gonzalez’s campaign, we knew we had to take a stand,” concluded Ovalle.

“People of Long Beach reminds me of the community group I co-founded (BASTA*) in terms of their spirit and their goals. I am proud to have earned their endorsement, and if elected I will work with them to help ensure their good government goals are realized,” reflected Saleh.

Bell City Councilman Ali Saleh is a candidate for State Senate. He is well-known for having co-founded the government reform group, BASTA and weeding out corruption in the city of Bell. As a Bell city councilmember and mayor, he has helped turn a $60 million budget deficit into an annual surplus in the range of $20 million.


For more information, please contact Leo Briones (323) 547-2524 or Carlos Ovalle at or (424) 242-2165

*(ed. note: The community group BASTA, that Mr. Saleh is a founding member of is the “Bell Association to Stop the Abuse“, which was formed in response to revelations of the City of Bell’s corrupt city council, circa 2010; it is not related to any other group with the same name or acronym.)